Unperfect Garden

This side of Eden, nothing is perfect… especially my veggie garden.

The garden in pictures August 10, 2011

Some of the prettier views of my garden this season:

I’ve only planted sunflower seeds once. Ever. Every year since then, several volunteers pop up in the back of the garden. Here’s one about to bloom.

And one showing its face.

I bought this guy at a local art fair. I hoped he would scare away all the ants living in my strawberry beds. No luck yet.

My strawberries were done at the beginning of June (they’re the June-bearing variety but think they’re May-bearing), and since then, the runners have been running or leaping out of the raised beds. I usually cut them off to promote larger parent plants, but I’ll let them go/grow this year so I have plants to give away next season.

The sugar snap peas have been the tastiest produce this year. If I plant more seeds now, I may get another crop yet.








Not sure what kind of plant this is–it was gifted to me, and I plopped it in the middle of one of the strawberry beds. It flowers all summer and adds nice color.








Two seasons ago, I planted chamomile. It wilted when its neighboring Roma tomato plant grew four feet tall and four feet around. Then my little Lady dog dug herself a nice shady hole under the tomato plant. The chamomile was totally done-for, or so I thought. I didn’t see any plants last year… but this year they grew in like crazy. I collected enough flowers to dry and fill and a 12 oz jar! Good for tea!

I tried some bush beans (a purple variety) for the first time this year. I didn’t get a very large harvest–about enough for two servings–but the plants are pretty.

The Rainbow Chard grew nicely this year. I was able to cut-and-come-again for several weeks until we had that month-long heat wave.

Sage. I had no idea how large it can get. Started with a 6 in. plant, and now have a 3 ft. bush. And it flowers.

And more sunflowers. The tallest ones stretched at least 12 feet.

What do you grow in your garden? What kind of volunteer plants do you get?

If I knew a few years ago what I know now, I’d plant my perennial herbs differently. I currently have sage, oregano, and thyme that continue to stretch out and take space away from annual vegetables. Soon I’ll either need to do some serious trimming or transplant them altogether.